The 21st century has taken animal welfare to a whole new level and rightly so – man and beast deserve shelter and Bison understand the stress on both in sale yards where cattle and sheep are exchanged. Livestock stress alleviation is particularly important in eating quality, temperament and productivity. This cannot be overemphasised especially where animals are more subject to grids after slaughter and this has become more apparent as trace-ability is now so important.

The directors of Bison have spent more than 18 years in the livestock industry and working in saleyard spaces, we know that comfort from the harsh elements are appreciated and deserved.

Colorbond Swatches

Some of the requirements of these sale-yard arenas:

  • Large unobstructed clear spans to clear obstructions and remove bruising obstacles.
  • Support of water pipes & dust suppression sprinklers
  • Ventilation
  • Natural light/24 Hour lighting
  • Soft floors
  • Steel surface protection
  • Walkways & platforms
  • Weighbridges
  • Ablution blocks/facilities
  • Animal flow designs
  • WHS compliant public spaces

Bison have the expertise in design and retrofit or new build, to cater for any site, however remote or challenging.


Large vented ridge providing adequate ventilation and reducing ammonia build-up

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