Dairy buildings

Superior Calving & Loafing barns

Reduce calving stress this season with a long-lasting calving shed.

Calving barns are a relatively new concept in Australia, and getting the design and planning right can be painstaking. Bison is experienced in this field and can erect a calving barn to your specs with little hassle.

Some of the advantages of a calving or loafing barn include:

  • Better management of stock and pastures
  • Healthier and cleaner cows
  • Better working conditions for you
  • Improved time efficiency

The walls on your barn can be standard steel and cladding construction for the budget conscious, or for a more robust solution consider core filled block-work, precast concrete or shutter up concrete walls onsite. These types of walls are a great asset when cleaning out your barn and can handle constant stock movement. Bison can provide advice and pricing on all options for you.

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Case study

Brock 2017 40

Calving Barn

State-of-the-Art Calving Barn, designed with the comfort of the Dairy Cow and Dairy Farmer in mind. Bison can provide custom designed loafing barns to suit any Dairy Farm.

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July 2016
Nigel & Rachael Brock - Brockton Dairy
Building Size
20mW x 56mL x 5mH
Building Details
8mW x 56mL cantilevered canopy
Holds approx. 120 pregnant cows on straw bedding
The construction was so simple, they did a really professional job. It was a really easy process to deal with Bison
Nigel Brock
Owner -
DJI 0166 Large

There are 3 main options for masonry walls; core filled blockwork, precast concrete, or boxed and poured walls in situ. All three have their pro's and con's and cost differences. These walls serve for a number of purposes, they are strong and robust, aid the cleaning out the shed and can handle constant contact with stock. Depending on the location of the wall they can aid to provide a vented area at the top of the wall - another must in a calving barn.

