Case Studies
View some of Bison's Commercial, Industrial and Rural Sheds in Tasmania
View some of Bison's Commercial, Industrial and Rural Sheds in Tasmania
Custom designed buildings that create efficiencies.
Custom-designed Calf Shed and Dairy Buildings that create efficiencies.
A purpose built workshop designed with 10 years growth in mind.
A sawmill and large warehouse for outbound material.
A state of the art honey processing facility
A premium rural multipurpose horse arena
A premium rural multipurpose storage building
State-of-the-Art Calving Barn, designed with the comfort of the Dairy Cow and Dairy Farmer in mind. Bison can provide custom designed loafing barns to suit any Dairy Farm.
Stage 1 of Agronico's new cool store complex project has been completed and Bison Constructions was very honoured to be entrusted with this build.
Bison enjoyed working with Armadale Stud in the design and construction of their new machinery shed and hay barn.
This building sits in style at Kindred and looks the part on this neat, well-kept and prosperous farming operation.
Building Scottsdale Pork’s new meat processing facility was very rewarding. Processing plants are a breed of their own!
A state-of-the-art indoor sports facility including a surface suitable for international level games
Bison Constructions is a Tasmanian company that focuses on constructing of sheds in Tasmania. We are proud of our heritage and where we come from and we feel that this helps us appreciate the requirements of our customers. We manufacture high quality rural, industrial and commercial steel buildings.